初中1年级 - 记叙文 - 记人 阅读指导

My friend

广东省清远市佛冈县城北中学初一(3)班 XINGQIHUI


She hopes she will have a big house on the busiest street in Beijing,she lives there with her parents. This is her dreamy house.
    Her name is Kitty.She is an active girl.She lives in Beijing ,China.
    Are you 12 years old?She is 12 years old.She studies in Beijing Sunlight Middle School.She likes English ,music and biology best.
    Sometimes she listens to music at home.She thinks music si very fair-sounging. Isn't is interesting?So she likes it very much.Do you like talking things on the Internet?She likes talking things in the Internet and playing computer games.
    She has a happy family.Her parents are both teachers. They work very hard,and they're also kind.She loves her parents,and they love her too! She hopes she will have a big house on the busiest street in Beijing,she lives there with her parents. This is her dreamy house.
    This is her——an active girl.Whae about you?May she make friends with you?
  • 初中1年级 - 记叙文 - 记人
  • 字数:742 投稿日期:2006-3-12 13:22:00