小学5年级 - 杂文 阅读指导


目标女警花 刘晓阳

  Future residential
  Whenever you open the freezer from time to drink, when you call a friend call, when you open the bread to bake bread when ... ... you really thought about the future residential are what? Go, go! I'll take you to see the future. 
  This extraordinary residential, do not look it looks ordinary, and other residential, like the walls are red, yellow brick, in fact, it is hidden inside the "Hsuanchi"! 
  Residential door, you can not little look it, the door has an "automatic identification device", if you click the fingerprint, if the machine test your fingerprint is correct, it would also like to tell you the password to enter. If you are a thief to steal, the machine will辩别your appearance and characteristics, which distinguish you are a thief, it will carrying you and put you in jail. If you are the owner, said the guests well, will automatically open the door. 
  To enter the hall, the walls of the hall is not real, but with "the insulation of windows" built into the. If you want to see on television, as long as you call out "I want to watch TV!", "Glass-noise" like a large color TV broadcast of all programs. 
  Hall and then move to the right is the restaurant. Walking into a restaurant where other things are hanging on the wall, the wall teach us there is a cooking device for cooking, it is called "micro-menu", if you burn anything, said: "bigger!" Recipes as soon as become larger, you can select. Restaurant also has a mini-robot, the specialized help you make delicious dishes. 
  If you eat in a restaurant full of the drink, I suggest you go the bedroom to rest. Bedroom has two buttons, if you can not sleep, you press the yellow button, the wall will become the beauty of the night sky, and you chat. If you have been the noise interference, the effect of noise walls will become particularly strong, the bedroom has become quietly.
  • 小学5年级 - 杂文
  • 字数:2135 投稿日期:2009-4-29 20:23:00

  • 推荐3星:[樱之桃]2009-7-24 9:05:04