初中3年级 - 小说 阅读指导

illusions of the dark<III>

你是不是和我一样。心里有个遗憾。 VAMPIRE13


Pain doesn’t hurt, when it’s all you’ve ever felt.
这其中有个雷人句子,被77发现了。= =

    Blade, on the other hand, left the grumbling girl and returned to his hunting district. He had no intention in disrupting the holy marriage of December and her beloved Sumerian God for he had belief in paganism. Which, in his case, was the great Vampirism.
     It wasn’t exactly religious, but he considers it an important spiritual pursuit, if he had any, in his traditional vampiric lifestyle.
  There are two kinds Vampires to be exact; ones that follow Vampirism and ones that don’t. The former are normally composed of devoted slaves and elders. They play by the rules most of the time; never touch an innocent human as long as they have other choices. The latter are mostly half-blooded ones and youngsters. For those, discipline seems to fail enforcing the norms. Blade was a strange combination of both, he had be around for a few hundred years, but still vigorous as new. He followed the daily practice of Vampirism, which included two-hour long abstaining from blood. But somewhere deep in his chest (where his heart used to be), a sense of agony and confusion arose. As if he was tired of something, or looking for what was long missing.
  As said before, Blade was one unusual vampire. Almost too unusual for himself to handle. He had a special set of philosophy, in which he considered chaos the best state of all being. Therefore he despised rules, hypocrisy and so on.
  So when the master passed down the command that no vampire should kill humans, he tasted a strong sense of irony in his words.

  We feed on others’ death. We smile at others’ pain. Why all of a sudden shall we care if it looks good or not? The upraise in population, it occurred to Blade, was not the reason why the master passed this command. However, the master was too villainous to put on a show of hypocrisy. And population control was exactly what he was going for.
  Sad to tell, when Blade failed to realize this, he turned and headed straight back for December. With his nasty hunger roaring at him, he picked up full speed.
  December was sobbing alone. She watched her reflections in the mirror imitated her every move. Amused by that, she began to smile ridiculously, though tears were nonstopable.
  Just when she was about to stand up, she felt an abrupt hand on her shoulder. Horrified, she stared into the mirror. No one. But the hand felt true and intense. A wad of fear rushed up her chest.
  Slowly, December rotated her head into an awkward angle, and found Blade standing behind her. She stared into his charming face, unable to formulate a reaction. Blade twisted his arms around her, slightly slanting his head; he was sucking on her neck tenderly. He was licking all over her, as if trying to insert deadly venom into her veins.
  December froze. Paralyzed.
  “You’re not human are you?” She managed to let out.
  “I used to be. ” Blade replied, and dipped his fangs inside her skin.
  December released a shriek, which stimulated Blade greatly. He began to lose control. Memories took shape.

  The fire. The heat. The spice. Everything was screaming all at once.
  Dark nights. Endless wandering in coldness.
  The Embracing. Transformation. Pain. Knife cutting through skin.
  Hatred. Loneliness. Unconscious.
  Judora. Winter. December.
  Blade completely lost control as December screamed louder and harder. For once he thought he found what was long lost, and that is his pleasure in watching others suffer. He was binding December like a rattle snake, holding her in place, sucking up liquid from her veins. Blade knew this was pleasure.
  Pain doesn’t hurt, when it’s all you’ve ever felt.
  What Blade didn’t realize was, Winter was standing right beside him, witnessing his every savage move.
  Winter watched her biological sister wither like an autumn leaf. She distorted her face, but didn’t step forward to help. Her eyes locked on Blade, who was unaware of her existence, a terrible smile came to her lips.
  • 初中3年级 - 小说
  • 字数:3259 投稿日期:2009-7-26 16:32:00

  • 推荐3星:[冰清冷月]2009-7-26 16:33:48