初中2年级 - 经验谈 阅读指导


二中 球魁

I could win the first prize because i love English very much.
  I was very happy that i won the first Prize in the English competition and received an award.
  I could win the first prize because i love English very much.I enjoy books about English and often spend seversl hours reading,doing exercise.And i never fell tired.After school,while other students are having fun outside,i am listening to the tape and practising.I share my feelings for English and the prize with my classmates.Itake great pride in winning the prize.And it will encourage me to work hader in the future. 
  • 初中2年级 - 经验谈
  • 字数:437 投稿日期:2009-4-3 20:21:00

  • 推荐3星:[冰雪水灵儿]2009-4-14 21:01:05