小学5年级 - 记叙文 - 记人 阅读指导

I and my sister

师范附属小学五年级一班 幽蓝之梦


只要在留言板上留言的,都给5分,直到分送完为止~My English name is Anna.Snow Ting.
   My English name is Anna.Snow Ting.My Chinese is Zhao Zi yun.I’m thirteen years old.My Birthday is October is 13 days.I like playing the guzhen , dancing and singing.
  I have a sister.Her English name is Anna.Rain Ting.Her Chinese name is Han Yu xing. She years old is twelve.Her Birthday is November is 20 days.She likes playing the Flute and dancing.
  • 小学5年级 - 记叙文 - 记人
  • 字数:291 投稿日期:2009-1-19 21:16:00

  • 推荐3星:[KOIZORA]2009-1-19 21:17:22