初中1年级 - 杂文 阅读指导

One day



Look at it,please.
 On May 3rd,our school conduct a shaky.
 We were going to HongXing farm.Many people were standing to welcome for us. They were look friendly and kind.
 A handsome uncle led us to visit.We 're very excite and happy.
 The visit was over,it's 12 o'clock.We were having lunch.We ate bread,cake and many lolipops.
 Lunch was over,Belly and Sarah were dancing with video.Davie and Frank were sing.Sophia and I were playing cards.It's very interesting.
 At 17 o'clock,we're leaving HongXing farm,and we were going home do our homewore.
  • 初中1年级 - 杂文
  • 字数:462 投稿日期:2008-11-14 21:18:00
  • 推荐3星:[1996118WHY]2008-11-14 21:20:04