小学5年级 - 经验谈 阅读指导


廊坊安次区七小 2550

Welcome to Canada
I kown about Canada!
Jenny and Danny live in Canada ,they speak English and French in Canada.Ottawa is the capital city of Canada.
where is Cananda? Cadana is north of the U.S.
Canada’s flag is red and white.It has a leaf . Niagara Fall is very famous. Niagara Fall and the Rocky Mountain are in Canada .
Canada is beauitful. Welcome to Canada.
  • 小学5年级 - 经验谈
  • 字数:282 投稿日期:2008-11-11 19:52:00
  • 推荐3星:[CYW951127]2008-11-11 19:57:33