小学3年级 - 记叙文 - 叙事 阅读指导

Make a Cup of Chocolate Milk

胜利路学校三(三)班 开心果果兔

  Today ,my mother and I will make a cup of chocolate milk . We are all exciting and looking forword to it. It’s evening,we can do it now.
  First, my mother puts three teaspoonful soybean milk powder in a cup,then she puts two teaspoonfull chocolate   powder in it too.Second,I put some water in the cup and mix them .then,ok, a cup of  chocolate  milk is readay! Wow, It is so nice and so good ,and it smiles good.Mmm…I can hardly wait any longer, I’ll drink it !It tastes very nice!
  I like chocolate milk,and I like to make a cup of chocolate milk too.  
  • 小学3年级 - 记叙文 - 叙事
  • 字数:444 投稿日期:2008-9-28 20:56:00
  • 推荐3星:[0217]2008-9-28 20:56:50