If martinis could cure my insomnia
I’d be fallen cold, fallen dead
Not quiet awake, staring up and up up
in this goddamn night
Dear god, let me rest
So I could buss with the hell I live
Say farewell to this cheapo life
For the last time
O spite! O hell!
As those Shakespeareans flimflammed
Romeo was mouse brained
While Juliet was insane
Somewhere in this dampened world
Love ripples in a vast sea
Hatred grow in poisonous hemlocks
A force of gravity pulls you down the core
Where magma that hot
Can cast you into a sculpture
And you’ll be forever
Ever and ever.
Never. Quite. Touching. The. Edge. Of. Anything.
Water chattered.
One Drop. Someone laughs
Two Drops. Someone cries.
Three Drops. Someone was numb.
Four Drops. Someone is but isn’t there anymore
Someone had five drops of bitter tears
Igneous rocks gritted
Six Pieces. Someone felt love
Seven Pieces. Someone felt hatred.
Eight Pieces. Someone felt indifference
Nine Pieces. Someone isn’t but is no one
Someone had ten pieces of broken heart
Grimace at the walking dead.
Despise them as ocean guanos.
Why care what you care and don’t care
When you know that you do not care nothing no more?