小学2年级 - 记叙文 - 叙事 阅读指导

Four Seasons

胜利路学校三(三)班 开心果果兔

  One day,Susan met her friends.They talked about seasons.
  Susan:which season do you like best?
  Sally:I like winter best.Because we can make snowman.And you?
  Susan:I like summer.In summer,we can wear beautiful dresses.
  Tom and Jack:We like spring best.For in spring,we can fly kites.
  Susan and Sally and Tom and Jack:We all like Autumn!Because we can eat fresh fruits in Autumn.
  • 小学2年级 - 记叙文 - 叙事
  • 字数:318 投稿日期:2008-9-28 20:54:00
  • 推荐3星:[0217]2008-9-28 20:54:43