wash the dishes
兴安小学五年级一班 李名扬
wash the dishis
wash the dishis
on jine 26 sunday sunny
sunday in a the morning, my eating comp lete rice. erepare wash the dishis, find nome the detergent. i went
to buy the a bucket of deter gent. began towash the dishes, my take hand kerchief, lefe to towipe, right to wipe, under the bowl , I criticized my wash wash. chiticized. a fter washing, criticized later, is white. I go out write your homework.
after my mother came back, see the bowl on the tabie, I asked me if l hads washed the dishes, I nodded my head.
小学5年级 - 记叙文 - 叙事字数:407 投稿日期:2016-2-16 11:39:00
推荐3星:[海佳]2016-2-17 15:21:33