高中1年级 - 记叙文 阅读指导

About earth quake

献县职教中心 春天的树

On May 12, 2008, the earth break out in Wen Chuan, about 8.0 grade.
  On May 12, 2008, the earth break out in Wen Chuan , about 8.0 grade. More than 30,000 people were buried alive loss life. In ruin has more that 20,000 victim got new life. Many people lose myself home. The home became ruin, they didn’t have enough water and foods. It was a afternoon to remember forever.
  • 高中1年级 - 记叙文
  • 字数:248 投稿日期:2008-7-29 12:41:00
  • 推荐2星:[DREAMANGEL]2008-7-29 13:05:40