初中2年级 - 说明文 阅读指导

Christmas Day

阳谷县实验中学八年级十八班 犀鸟


 Christmas Day is on December twenty - fifth.It is an important holiday in Europe.This day,People put up Christmas tree in the Livingroom.They decrate their Christmas tree.On Christmas Day,People open the present they have given each other.Christmas tree began in Garmany in the 1600s,Germany is a country in Europe.
  • 初中2年级 - 说明文
  • 字数:268 投稿日期:2008-1-5 10:39:00
  • 推荐发表:[梦昕竹]2008-1-5 12:50:56 推荐2星:[VAMPIRE13]2008-8-1 23:34:50