小学6年级 - 记叙文 - 写景 阅读指导

My Favorite Season

步步高英语学校 503013252

Four seasons are all nice
        My Favorite Season 
  步步高英语培训学校  朱玲
  There are four seasons in a year.
  Spring is colorful and beautiful with flowers and birds singjing. Summer is red and hot, but you can taste the juicy fruits and eat ice-creams. Fall is a season for harvest. Just like a golden world with all rich fruits. Winter is a white world with the falling snowflakes.
  Four seasons are all nice, but my favorite season is summer.
  Although its very hot, I can wear skirts、shorts and beautiful hat. In summer, I have a long holiday. I can travel different places and enjoy the spots. I can swim in the cool water and eat ice-creams. Of course, I can taste all kinds of juicy fruits, such as watermelon、peaches and so on. This is why I like winter best.
  • 小学6年级 - 记叙文 - 写景
  • 字数:590 投稿日期:2014-5-15 9:11:00
  • ---- By ROOT 2014-5-18 10:45:47