初中1年级 - 经验谈 阅读指导

my family

西城区西直门南小街西派公寓1号楼1503 LIHAOYANG

I think he is a good worker.
   I’m Li HaoYang. I’m a student. There are three people in my family—my father, mother and I.
  My father is 43 years old. He is a worker. I think he is a good worker. Because he works very hard. He gets up very early every day and he works for more than 10 hours a day. So he is always busy, he looks very tired when he gets home. He likes reading newspapers. He usually reads it after supper. So he gets lots of news.
  My mother is 40 years old. She is a worker too. She works in a very small factory. She is not tall and she has two big eyes. She loves me and she is good for me. She always buys some books for me. She wants me to be a top student. She also cares for my diet and life.
  • 初中1年级 - 经验谈
  • 字数:539 投稿日期:2014-7-28 16:12:00

  • 推荐3星:[BINI]2014-7-28 16:37:45