初中3年级 - 记叙文 - 抒情 阅读指导


顺德一中实验学校初三(1)班 猪WING

Nothing is im possible.
  Now I'm Grade Nine.I've gone the middle school.In school,the number of pupils were very lazy and they cought not study hard.They too lazy to get good grades.And how to get the good grades?
  Don't be influenuced by them.But I've studied many things here,and our teachers all good at teach.
  We not only need study hard,but also must good at sports.
  Because we must be pass the Sport Test.I was so tired.I've throught wanted to died.But I am not the fulish!I must work hard and try my best to get the good grades~~~
  Nothing is im possible.
  • 初中3年级 - 记叙文 - 抒情
  • 字数:440 投稿日期:2007-9-9 15:44:00
  • 推荐发表:[DREAMANGEL]2007-9-9 16:08:43