小学5年级 - 散文 阅读指导


连江附小 小荷新

Spring, you are so beautiful, I love spring!
  The cold winter is gone, the warm spring is coming.
  In the spring, we can go fly a kite, play football, basketball, running, is very good. We can even go for an outing, is most suitable for spring outing, he is not as hot as summer, nor cold like winter.
  We can see the red as fire on the mountain flowers, green jade tree, singing songs of birds, hungry, just doing under the tree while eating delicious bread can cool again. We sing, dance, just like a holiday.
  Spring, you are so beautiful, I love spring!
  • 小学5年级 - 散文
  • 字数:413 投稿日期:2015-7-9 11:39:00

  • 推荐3星:[BAO宝宝]2015-7-9 16:25:16