小学3年级 - 记叙文 - 叙事 阅读指导

Play First or Homework First

西安西一路小学三年级一班 含芝

What will you do first? Play first or do homework first?”
  “What will you do first? Play first or do homework first?” Of course, like most of the children. You will answer that you will like to play first because playing is a lot of fun, and plus, doing homework is too bored and you can have a good rest when you do homework.
  My answer will be the same as yours because I really do want to play, mostly is just on Friday afternoon right after school, because there’ s a weekend behind. When we get to go home. I went to my classmate’s home and play with her. I also can play on other days when it’s just me at home because there is no one to tell me what to do. But usually on Monday to Thursday, I will do homework first, because it will be really relaxing when you finished all the homework. You will felt really happy. But if you go around the house a long time without doing anything, you will felt bored. So, I still think you should do some homework first, and then rest and play. After a while, you can finish the homework left which you still will need to do.
  Sometimes, if you do play first, you will saw that at the end of the holiday. You still haven’t finished some homework yet. And you will be in a hurry. You will write and write and write until you finish that homework. I think that you are thinking at this time, “Why can’t I finish my homework while I’m so free at this holiday and I don’t know what to do?”
  Yeah, that’s both the good things and the bad things about play first or homework first. After reading my composition, Think again, which one are you going to choose? Play first or homework first?
  《309 words》
  • 小学3年级 - 记叙文 - 叙事
  • 字数:1272 投稿日期:2014-2-16 17:05:00

  • 推荐3星:[负重的生命]2014-2-16 17:25:42