初中3年级 - 诗歌 阅读指导

The lotus、good night


The lotus, good night~\(≧▽≦)/~第一次写英语文呦~但大家能不能收个藏呢?在这里,我给大家拜个早年:“新年好!”

        ~\(≧▽≦)/~I came to the lotus has been more than 1 years!Can you recognize me?Hee hee, do not insist on not importune ~Because I'm very silent ah!ow hope that the point of presence…… (I've wisted ass twist)。I really stupid home…… My friends also say my so…。。I hope you to come with me this funny than to make friends!I am fun (here can't think of any other words you forgive me ha ~ ~)

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------------------- 不交朋友就捣蛋~--------------------------


  • 初中3年级 - 诗歌
  • 字数:601 投稿日期:2015-1-16 6:58:00

  • 推荐3星:[尘吟葬]2015-1-16 21:15:03