小学2年级 - 记叙文 - 状物 阅读指导

A Spider that Had Climbed on My Desk

西安西一路小学二年级一班 含芝

This afternoon, I was doing my homework on my desk next to the window when a bug suddenly frightened me.
  This afternoon, I was doing my homework on my desk next to the window when a bug suddenly frightened me. “Yikes!” I shouted. I wanted to knock the bug off my desk. But I notice that it has eight legs, so it must be a spider. I remember a sentence in a book: Some spiders attack people but most don’t. “What if this spider does attack people?” I thought. To be on the safe side, I stay still and watch it.
  The little spider is only as big as a yellow pea. It’s golden. It walks sideways. When it walks. You can see its little legs moving.
  I watch the little spider walked to the edge of the table. Then, it jumped down. I thought that the spider might drop very fast. But to my surprise, it drop slowly like a piece of paper.
  Suddenly, I remember something else: Spiders can make little tools that can make them land safely out of their saliva.
  Then, the spider went underneath my desk and I can’t find it. So I continue to do my homework. But I was still thinking: Will I see that little spider again? Will it stay here? I don’t know, yet…
  • 小学2年级 - 记叙文 - 状物
  • 字数:837 投稿日期:2013-6-13 22:17:00

  • 推荐3星:[乐之海]2013-6-13 22:20:19