小学1年级 - 读后感 阅读指导

Yawn at dawn



It was a short essay i wrote after watched one of the episodes of THE BIG BANG THEORY which i thought is worth sharing.Please knock yourself out if you feel unhappy of my opinion.
  As i grow up, my thoughts to this world has been changing for varies of times, but never had i got so realized what life is about. Normally, i would have gave up if i was facing some sort of difficulties that i cannot get over with, such as emotional disorder or fear of recent events. My brain used to teach me to live with it but not appearing to be, and that would be the answer of why i’m not confident and strong enough inside. There’s been sooooo many unpleasant coincident happening these days. Bad reports of the big college test from one of my friends who is now wandering on the other side of tracks try to find the meaning of life;upsetting about how i haven’t prepared for the up coming summer; managing accident causing half of our staff gone or picked up by a bunch of guys and still living with it thinking about protections which i could use. Funny to tell, but after all these short years i’ve been through, it didn’t rekindle my faith in the basic goodness of people at all. Every moment reducing of my life reminds me that this world will chew me up and spit me out if i keep being soft and kind. As it is, i have a bad habit that i’d overthink everything i experience or know, which makes me feel very uncomfortable with disrespect and cheating, just as the way the world works. Ergo, we don’t share, we don’t believe, we stay cool.
  (FYI,It was a short essay i wrote after watched one of the episodes of THE BIG BANG THEORY which i thought is worth sharing.Please knock yourself out if you feel unhappy of my opinion.)
  • 小学1年级 - 读后感
  • 字数:1249 投稿日期:2013-6-29 18:43:00

  • 推荐3星:[菊草心心]2013-6-29 19:18:47