初中1年级 - 小说 阅读指导


—Englishcomposition— BethMadge


Go not over long lane
The original is so long
Go not over of the playground
The original small like this
The hand of the time
What upside down
From my hands
What killed
Close to see
Sixteen of the sunset
Beautiful like us
Walk while sing naive romantic brave
Thought to go away into the distance
We had to love
I think of is sad
People beat ashore
Wave a wave cheerful
At the old place
I am waiting for embankments
Hold your hand walking in the crowd
Our hands
In possession of the universe
Close to see
The last sunset
Beautiful as a regret
Glorious grief
Youth shuddering
We are scrawled discrete
Clearly love!
But don't know how to do
Let love strong not broken
Why is life
No personal growth, etc
Can correct the past
I had you
Really makes me sad

  • 初中1年级 - 小说
  • 字数:607 投稿日期:2014-10-30 20:38:00

  • 推荐3星:[美惠欣]2014-10-30 21:29:35