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My new friend

黄埔学校六年级 QUZHEN


Tommy is my new friend in my school.
             My new friend
           作者:黄埔学校 六(2)班 瞿真
  Tommy is my new friend in my school. His schoolwork is very good. He has tow big eyes and a small nose. He is very humorous.
  One today, teacher say: “Who can answer: when’s cull the apple’s time? ” He say: “The farmer sleep’s time.” Any student laughing.
  Hi is very philanthropy too. One today, he saw an ant in the water. He dredges up the ant and put it on the floor.
  There is my new friend, do you like he?

  • 其他 - 记叙文
  • 字数:353 投稿日期:2004-11-6 13:27:00
  • 推荐发表:[BWL]2007-5-4 12:06:04