初中3年级 - 记叙文 - 写景 阅读指导

The rain

西书院 王姝玉

Lennon also pale, pale was thick.
  The hazy long of, seem to be covered with a layer of gauze, looking to the distant, a piece of black.Rain, rain on the eaves, patter, like tears, like dropping injury
  The wet weather, wet mood, wet heart. Chanchanmianmian thoughts such as rain, does not stop, look at the end.
  Once with vigour and vitality, but now they like plain water.
  Faint, is today the phantom, the shadows of yesterday. Was once left footprints, water diffuse across the river bed left wet mark,.
  Light, all have come to the light, to make people difficult to detect. Like a gently falling hair, no one care about, but I can see, eyes closed, have all kinds of connections with.
  You see he was slightly upturned feather eyelashes wet with dew, and blink eyes closed eyes, such as lotus root silky feather reelection, because the top covered with sorrow, that is prior experience. I know that your whole life has been thoroughly cool, I know your world is quiet, I know you can no longer turn the universe. Know, I understand, but I remain silent, speechless.
  Lennon also pale, pale was thick.
  • 初中3年级 - 记叙文 - 写景
  • 字数:878 投稿日期:2014-7-25 8:43:00

  • 推荐3星:[2934579391]2014-7-25 8:44:58