The new first essay
初一 Survival
I hope everyone can support me, thank you.
The first time I wrote an English composition…
Now I want to talking about the origin of the Nickname.
My name is "Survival".It contains my strong survive in this essay in desire. Because I know, a lot of master.This essay has one or two words to check PowerWord (such as this one).
I'm just a little junior middle school students.My English is not very good.So there are a lot of mistakes.I hope you can help me out and modify(Also check the PowerWord).I hope everyone can support me,thank you.
Oh,the system that I was too short to do.Now 450.
小学6年级 - 散文字数:458 投稿日期:2014-8-25 0:09:00
推荐3星:[NEXT]2014-8-26 12:37:27