初中2年级 - 记叙文 - 叙事 阅读指导

It is good to walk

  Through the many things in a hurry, what results in success. But the success or failure has not important, important is process.
  In a hot at noon, the sun high in the sky, it hot its rays on the earth, the ground like a caught fire. Willow by the river, like a sick, leaves hanging layer of dust on the branches of the volume; Branches are too lazy to move, listlessly hung. Even the most like summer cicada, also began to blame the sun. How high the road dust, linked with the sky gray gas, forming a grey sand matrix of the evil to burn yourself pedestrians face. Hot everywhere, everywhere is away, the whole city as well burned brick kilns, make the person hard to get out. Dogs lie prone on the ground out red tongue, no one dare to come out, even the vendors have stopped.
  I saw a figure in the way to go. He wore a pair of skates, wearing a helmet, struggling to sneak the on the road. Suddenly, another scream "oh oh", his body and more than a piece of purple bruises. The sweat on his head, like a broken line of pearl. Still panting from time to time, this is for the one hundredth time failed! But he still didn't give up, rickety stood up, looking toward the distance from time to time also say "you can do it!"
  Little by little, step by step, he finally learned to slide a small section of the road. But it doesn't matter, once a small point, it will learn. He was heading for his next goal again, the wheel at high speed in the shoes, his speed is faster and faster. After a noon efforts, he finally learned to skate. His face was red, top hat was broke, sweat flowing down again like 'wild, desperately to dirty. Flow in his clothes, wet with his vest. Arms and legs have blue purple bruises, also give broke the skin. But he doesn't care about this pain, only care about the hard and happy process.
  After the ups and downs, you should just walk.
  • 初中2年级 - 记叙文 - 叙事
  • 字数:1526 投稿日期:2014-5-11 9:49:00

  • 推荐3星:[梦雨萌初]2014-5-11 11:59:29