初中1年级 - 记叙文 - 记人 阅读指导

长沙 ECE

(_)-▕ \⒋ 莪 D\' Discussed the love likely is two children plays each family Spoke the brave words For ever And ever speech Suddenly one day girl discovered most likes Or the foreign-style doll, the boy also discovered most loves Or Model. The only choice is --- respectively goes home Originally is a game, only was really tired! I am veo!
Was used to it has been lonely.
Adapted alone!
I like deducting uniquely.
The dance is I most loyal studies.
2,007 can be a better start
Hoped the treasure may continue to support me.
Past I could enable it to become.
I must be strong, no longer bursts into tears
I can continue to love you
Please believe me, I can pay all 新年一天比一天近了 现在好象对过年没什么兴趣了 好象也没太大的意义了 感觉有点麻木了 不像小的时候 老是好盼望着过年 因为过年都会得到很多压岁 钱嘛 又正是放寒假的时候 又好玩 还可以放漂亮的烟花 真觉得是一件很快乐的事情。 现在想来 真的好怀念小时侯哟 一天都可以过的很开心 只用上学就是了 什么也不用去想 要是想了 都是想得很简单 都只要开心就好 但那时却总是希望自己快快长大 人总是很奇怪的吧 当你还是小孩的时候却希望自己快点长大 但当你长大的时候却开始怀念小时候的生活了 想那时可以为一件很小的事而高兴一整天 可以每天什么也不想 受欺负了 有爸爸 妈妈 可以保护你 安慰你 什么也不用担心 长大了什么事都要自己去面对 想想还是小的时候好呀
  • 初中1年级 - 记叙文 - 记人
  • 字数:829 投稿日期:2007-12-8 7:11:00
  • 推荐发表:[CAODINGYU]2007-12-9 12:23:23