初中1年级 - 记叙文 - 写景 阅读指导


杨浦区凯慧中学初一(4)班 徐懿森

Today let I learned many knowledge outside, it's good to rural.
One evening, mom and dad took me to play outside.
Out of the city, I feel the car on the road a lot less, but the comings and goings of the cars are running fast.The setting sun is hanging in the sky, like a big red orange become more pure and fresh air, also quiet around a lot of.
We stopped by a piece of farmland.Ah, such as the eye can see edge, from a distance, some farmers uncle seemed to water the vegetable plantation is.I ran to the nearby wheat field at first, some yellow and some green wheat, father said the wheat was ripe.I picked a yellow grain, peel away with the hand, tasted into his mouth and started to eat out and then feel very JinDao, a little sweet sweet smell.Beside the wheat field of corn and vegetables.With the growth of the cucumber on the shelf, climbing beans, tomatoes, and short low potatoes, eggplant, peanuts and so on.I found a peanut fields in many sticks and I almost high, also wearing a colorful ribbon on a stick.I feel very strange, ask the farmers around the aunt, aunt told me that this is scare to birds to eat peanuts.
Today let I learned many knowledge outside, it's good to rural.
  • 初中1年级 - 记叙文 - 写景
  • 字数:920 投稿日期:2014-6-7 20:56:00

  • 推荐3星:[舞倾]2014-6-7 20:56:37