初中3年级 - 诗歌 阅读指导

I want to find a tree

北京十一学校高一(7)班 x

That is a oak in his thirties though that's quite young as a tree His leaves waving in the gentle wind smiling fondly to me.

I want to find a tree

it's not like the ones which

stand in the noisy streets

and painfully struggle and breathe


I want to find a tree

it's not the ones which

fully dressed with brilliant decorations

and proudly dance with joy


I want to find a tree

it's not the youthful ones which

shake suddenly when strong winds came

and aggressively compete in height.


It was definitely a long journey

until I held my step and gasped excitedly

It quickly drives away the emptiness

as the satisfying result appears


That is a oak in his thirties

though that's quite young as a tree

His leaves waving in the gentle wind

smiling fondly to me.


  • 初中3年级 - 诗歌
  • 字数:510 投稿日期:2011-1-16 11:49:00

  • 推荐3星:[490152980]2011-1-16 11:51:09