小学6年级 - 记叙文 - 写景 阅读指导

Four season

银集镇中心小学 皖熙凝

看看吧!给点分哦,顺便点评一下哦! In sping, the trees turn green and the flowers start to grow.
  I live in Yin Ji. It’s a beautiful small town and the weather is beautiful,too.
  The sping came late. So the sping it’s very short. It’s warm. It’s often sunny, sometomes it’s windy. In sping, the trees turn green and the flowers start to grow.I often go rowing in the CuiHu park. It’s very hot in summer. It’s often rainy and sometimes it’s sunny. I often go walking in the evening. The days get shorter and the nights get longer in autumn. Autumn is the best season in a year. It’s cool. It’s often sunny ,sometimes it’s cloudy and windy. I often go wallking in the countryside. I like winter best. Because I can make snowmen and play snowball fights in the snowy days.It's very cold,sometimes it's foggy and snowy.
  Yin Ji is very beautiful, I think.Do you like it?
  • 小学6年级 - 记叙文 - 写景
  • 字数:627 投稿日期:2010-8-10 11:08:00

  • 推荐3星:[淡的味道]2010-8-10 11:17:33