小学5年级 - 记叙文 - 叙事 阅读指导

The Plants’ Defense植物的防卫

西安西一路小学一年级一班 含芝

  A long time ago, plants were very weak. Animals and people picked them and ate them. The plants grew tired of this constant threat.
  They decided not to put up with it any longer. They began to think at if animals and people kept picking and eating them, they would all die.
  The plants got together for a meeting, but they couldn’t find any answers because they were so weak and couldn’t move very far.
  They all thought that there was a God who protected them, so they began to pray. “Plant God, please protect us.” They prayed for one hundred days.
  The Plant God finally appeared to them. To the Plant God, the plants looked very weak, so he spoke to them saying,
  “I want to help you, but you are too weak. I don’t know what to do. How I can help you?”
  “Plant God, I am a rose. People always pick me because of my beauty. Please, give me thorns so people will not pick me.”
  “Okay, I will grant your prayer.”
  Next, the grass stepped forward and said. “Please, give me sharp leaves, then I can cut the bugs that touch me.”
  “Okay, I will grant your prayer.”
  Next, the nettle stepped forward and said, “Plant God! Plant God! Please paint poison on my hair so rabbits cannot eat me.”
  “Okay, I will grant your prayer.”
  Next the garlic stepped forward. “Please, give me a hot and spicy smell so the crowds of bugs will be driven away.”
  “Okay, I will grant your prayer.”
  Next, the sundew plant stepped forward and said, “Plant God, please paint sticky liquid on my leaves so bugs cannot run away, and then I can eat them!”
  “Okay, I will grant your prayer.”
  In this way, all of the plants asked the Plant God for the special abilities they wanted.And every plant received an ability to protect itself.
  Plants aren’t as helpless or as weak as we think. We must care for the plants and stop mistreating them.
  • 小学5年级 - 记叙文 - 叙事
  • 字数:2057 投稿日期:2012-4-29 20:55:00

  • 推荐3星:[四叶草19]2012-4-29 21:02:24