初中1年级 - 记叙文 - 叙事 阅读指导


西安西一路小学一年级一班 含芝

When we go camping, I watch falling stars from the hill. At home, I watch then from the porch.  露营的时候,我在小山上看流星。在家时,我在阳台上看流星。
  I like to go camping with my family. Camping is not like staying at home.
  When we go camping, I sleep in a sleeping bag. At home, I sleep in a bed.
  When we go camping, we stay in a tent. At home, I stay in my room.
  When we go camping, my mom cooks over a campfire. At home, she cooks over a stove.
  When we go camping, my dad catches fish from the stream. At home, he buys fish from the market.
  When we go camping, I watch falling stars from the hill. At home, I watch then from the porch.
  When we go camping, I hike in the woods. At home, I walk on the sidewalk.
  When we go camping, I sing by the campfire. At home, I sing to the tunes on the radio.
  When we go camping, I wash in cold water from the stream. At home, I wash in the warm water from the faucet.
  I have fun because camping is different! I like to go camping with my family.
      西安西一路小学  含芝 翻译
  • 初中1年级 - 记叙文 - 叙事
  • 字数:946 投稿日期:2012-5-16 11:07:00

  • 推荐3星:[紫若玲珑]2012-5-16 18:37:20