初中1年级 - 记叙文 - 叙事 阅读指导



Don't know is it right? Really? Please ask, best not to let him out, I like to watch his novels do Saier number!
 Hello, I am a new member of the family. My name is Jianglong tao. One of my good friends here published many essays, I was influenced by him to come. His name is: small sail! I am his deskmate. We two students for ten years! The table also. Today. I just hope, also do not know the rules, hope everyone pointing pointing.
 Heard that Google is very strict, do not know the future composition can cross the border, I hope you can help me to give directions to. Now, to introduce myself and small sail. Reading data, please wait … 》
 We have very high, is a short hair, a round face, big eyes, small nose, small mouth. All two of us likes swimming.
 Last I heard, small sail is ready to quit the. The reason is: Google senior member: trouble troubles me, always put pressure on him. He can't, but to…。
 Don't know is it right? Really? Please ask, best not to let him out, I like to watch his novels do Saier number!
 Today is introduced into it, believe you me!
  • 初中1年级 - 记叙文 - 叙事
  • 字数:772 投稿日期:2011-11-5 15:18:00

  • 推荐3星:[爱雪梦]2011-11-5 15:31:42
    推荐2星:[ALEXEA]2014-7-8 17:29:43