小学6年级 - 杂文 阅读指导

The sheep in the village cheers

赣州中学 蓝天碧云

       The sheep in the village cheers (2)
  The next day, the deposit of woebegone god said: "heaven! When will I see soft old village head? I can wait for you! Maybe I could not to life…" Village head thought no one could know this secret, but just by sleep lazy sheep sheep know, so he ran to the laboratory (ten minutes)…
   "Like sheep sheep, pleasant goat, I know, I know." A lazy sheep sheep panted. "What? A lazy sheep sheep, have words slowly say." Warm sheep sheep said. "I know," the mayor's dream before lazy sheep sheep, the rest of the sheep chorus asked. "What is it?" "The dream is soft, need!" "Oh? We should do next?" Beautiful goat asked.
  • 小学6年级 - 杂文
  • 字数:864 投稿日期:2010-8-26 9:43:00

  • 推荐3星:[YINGYINGG]2010-8-26 10:50:56