初中1年级 - 记叙文 - 抒情 阅读指导



I miss you.首次发表于空间。
  I love you and I like you,can ratio is to I need you and I want you??
  Do not know, may or may not,look at your own choice… In fact,do not need too much sweet talk,as long as you by my side just fine…
  I can’t stop my love for you…
  And I can‘t forget you…
  So,…well,I don’t want to say.
  I miss you..
  Now,I very happy??
  No,I'm sad!!
  Can I happy? ?
  Perhaps,I do not know my own heart.
  I want you!!And I want you to be my lifetime boyfriend..
  Please allow me to call you,
  Perhaps,you will be say no;
  Perhaps, you will be indifferent .
  But,please let me love you.
  one day I no longer love you.
  • 初中1年级 - 记叙文 - 抒情
  • 字数:515 投稿日期:2013-3-17 16:00:00

  • 推荐3星:[汐日阳光]2013-3-17 16:01:27