初中1年级 - 记叙文 - 状物 阅读指导

A Crow and a Fox

广东省深圳市南山区桃源中学初二(5)班 落の逝去

This makes the crowvery happy.She opens her mouth and beging to sing As she opens her mouth, she drops the meat.
             A Crow and a Fox
One day a crow finds piece of meat. She picks it up in her mouth and flies to am tall tree. She is just going to eat meat when a fox sees her. He comes and stands under the tree and says,“How pretty you are! You must be the prettiest bird in the world.”
The crow is very pleased by these words.Then the fox speaks again,“I can see your pretty face, but Ihave not heard your voice. Why don’t you sing a song?”
This makes the crowvery happy.She opens her mouth and beging to sing As she opens her mouth, she drops the meat. The fox picks up the meat at once and goes away with it.
Kind words are not always as kind as they seem.
  • 初中1年级 - 记叙文 - 状物
  • 字数:512 投稿日期:2007-6-21 19:48:00
  • 推荐发表:[糖果娃娃]2007-6-21 21:30:00