小学5年级 - 记叙文 - 叙事 阅读指导

The Bear Facts熊的真相

西安西一路小学二年级一班 含芝

Bears walk by moving the two legs on the same side of their body at the same time. This is why they look clumsy.熊走路的时候,它把一边的两条腿同时移动,这就是它们看起来很笨拙的原因。
  Tyler loved his fluffy, blue bear. The bear’s name was Lyle. “Hello, Lyle,” Tyler would say.
  They played by the back gate. Lyle sat by Tyler at mealtime. Lyle sat by Tyler’s bathtub. When Tyler was dry again. Lyle went to sleep with him.
  “It’s good that Lyle isn’t alive!” teased Tyler’s sister. “GROWL! GOBBLE! He would eat you like pie!”
  Tyler felt safe with Lyle because Lyle was a stuffed bear. Now he wanted to know about real bears. He would try to get the facts at the library.
  Tyler found many animal books. He saw some on a cart and opened each one. This is what he read.
  There are many types of bears. Most brown bears are quite big. They have round heads, short ears, and shaggy fur. They are powerful beasts.
  Bears can run fast. They can climb trees and swim. Their sharp claws are good for digging. Bears have a great sense of smell.
  Bears walk by moving the two legs on the same side of their body at the same time. This is why they look clumsy.
  Bears can stand on their two back legs and raise their paws high.
  Bears eat insects, nuts, bees and seeds. They also eat fish, deer, pigs, and sheep.
  “YUCK!” Tyler cried . “I’d never eat all that! I think bears should try pie. They’d love it.”
  Bear eat lots of food in the fall. They make den out of snow, dirt, grass, or leaves and sleep there all winter. Sometimes they lie in caves or big cracks in trees.
  Some people hunt bears. Why? They use the fur for coats or rugs. Some people eat bear meat. That is why there are not many bears in some parts of the world.
  In many places, hunters can not harm bears.
  “Hello, Lyle!” Tyler came back again to his blue bear. Tyler love bears, real OR stuffed. Now he knows the bear facts!
  • 小学5年级 - 记叙文 - 叙事
  • 字数:1969 投稿日期:2012-11-29 18:07:00

  • 推荐3星:[孙盈淋]2012-12-2 23:20:16