小学1年级 - 议论文 阅读指导

┢┦ow to study English?



   In my class,many students say English is boring and difficult.But I
  don’t think so. Ehglish is a useful langeage. It’s very important!
  Now,let me tell you how to study English!
  First of all , you should listen to the teacher carefuly.And you have
  to listen to English in the morning. Read aloud is important , too. Then
  practice again and again, never be tired.If you have a problem,you must
  make it clear by asking your English teacher.
  But it’s not enough just to have confidence,determination and
  perseverance in language learning。We’ll have to find out an effective
  way to make ourselves an efficient learner of the English language。But
  before doing that, we should have a clear idea about the following two
  I’m sure you can study English well!
  • 小学1年级 - 议论文
  • 字数:629 投稿日期:2010-8-24 13:04:00

  • 推荐3星:[ZHEJIANG]2010-8-24 13:09:59