小学6年级 - 说明文 阅读指导


咱在世界的某个角落~ 我恨小荷

 I keep the "wealth" -- little piggy
 Hey hey! Recently, my friends, for a small "god", dedicated to manage my allowance. What? "He" who is it? Ha ha, "he is my friend money!
 Usually, I have a love of the bad habits, there is often a 100 spend 100, less than one day, my "storage" is empty.
 Since the "god", I became more 0.932 home! Also know how to cherish my mom and dad's hard-earned money.
 You say, "keep the wealth"?
  • 小学6年级 - 说明文
  • 字数:450 投稿日期:2010-4-10 14:39:00

  • 推荐3星:[阳光花季]2010-4-11 11:11:54