小学5年级 - 记叙文 - 抒情 阅读指导

Shang hai

第一小学五【4】班 POLOGOOGIE

I was an elementary school student, but as a Shanghai public, I have witnessed the rapid development of Shanghai.
 I was an elementary school student, but as a Shanghai public, I have witnessed the rapid development of Shanghai these years rapid. But I am most impressed high-tech play an important role in the development process in Shanghai. For example: rail transit maglev train, sightseeing tunnel, revolving restaurant, etc., the use of these high-tech, more modern science and technology.
 Shanghai maglev train is a high-speed maglev railway in China and even the world's first commercial run line. It is west of Shanghai Metro Line, east to Pudong International Airport, the total length of about 30 km, and design a top speed of 430 km / h, the running time of seven minutes. It is not connected to the high-speed communication lines of the large capacity of the airport and the city is also a tourist line. It is a new century, Shanghai Jiaotong construction of key projects, with a total investment of about 8.9 billion yuan. It has the advantages of speed, low energy consumption, less maintenance, and pollution. Shanghai maglev train our pupils in the eyes of the "rocket". Almost every day we have to on the way to school to spend a very long time, so we can not wait to go to school to take the Maglev. The speed of the maglev train, a symbol of the rapid development of Shanghai's it?
 Compared with other cities, Shanghai has its unique personal charm, especially in personnel training, is also unique. The book we used in class are different from other cities. Language book on the many self-study texts, their own need to learn and understand. Examination less about the title of the book, the content of the extracurricular more, which requires us to read other extracurricular books usually in addition to learning outside the curricular knowledge, but also the use of spare time. This can greatly increase our knowledge, we learned more things. We began to learn English from kindergarten. English book has a lot of beautiful pictures, it can help us to understand, memorize words and text. There to help us learn the unique phonetic sentence, for example: sh ---- She is On in the shoe shop, you see, it is to learn the phonetic different color. The most special English tape is authentic American pronunciation of each word and text must be repeated read twice: the first pass faster some of, but the second time, it will deliberately read slower. This helps us to memorize words and texts. The tape sometimes some animal sounds, and contribute to a more specific understanding of the text. Other course books have their own characteristics, these textbooks are very welcome by the students, we are pleased to be able to use these textbooks Either students or teachers are passionately involved in classroom learning, highly interactive, highly motivated students, each day is full of fun!
 I love Shanghai, I am willing to contribute to a force for the development of Shanghai. I have a dream: the World Expo in 2010 when I was an obligation interpreters for people from various countries to introduce my lovely and beautiful Shanghai. I have a dream: in 2010, when I was a great architect, designed many of the features of the high-rise buildings, bridges for Shanghai. I have a dream: in 2010, when I was a nurturing gardener of the flowers of the motherland, for the Shanghai train many talents. I have a dream: in 2010, I was a big boss can invest in some projects is conducive to the construction of Shanghai. To these dreams, I will learn and continue to enrich themselves and allow themselves to be a useful person to make a humble, Shanghai, and even the construction of the motherland! I firmly believe that: I proud of being a Shanghai native, Shanghai tomorrow will be proud of me!
  • 小学5年级 - 记叙文 - 抒情
  • 字数:3075 投稿日期:2012-11-28 17:56:00

  • 推荐3星:[蓝雨蝶]2012-11-28 18:03:40