小学6年级 - 散文 阅读指导

Filial piety is priceless《孝心无价》

二十三校六九班 玉心

There are some things, when we were young, you can not understand. When we know the time, no longer young. Some things in the world can make up some things never make up.
        Filial piety is priceless   

   I do not like the story of a bitter child study. Very difficult for families, the father passing away, brothers and sisters starving, but he graduated from college, but also adhere to the graduate school, his mother only to sell blood … I thought it was a selfish students. Studying the road is long, life career, and why too concerned about a few years wasted? Moreover, every second of this time are extremely bitter, and needed the mother's blood irrigation! A mother can not love people, but also expect him to Who? their own interests in the supreme position of the person, how can we become the masters of human?

   I do not like the parents is sick in bed drastic departure from home, no matter how much you have reason. Earth from anyone still turning, the power of individuals do not have to exaggerate to an incredible degree. When an old man dying, he cut off the earth hoping most hope to despair, the heart of the lonely journey, it is irreverence for life.

   I believe that every honest and sincere children, have in the bottom of my heart to the parents the promise of "filial piety" the vision, I believe the Japan side, I believe a matter of course, believe that there must be fame homecoming day, you can easily filial. Unfortunately, people forget, forget   the cruelty of time, forget the transience of life, forget the world can never repay the kindness, forget life itself vulnerable of the vulnerable.

   Parents, with a deep worry. Parents, bequeathed to us will never repay the mood. You will never be words of filial piety.
   There are some things, when we were young, you can not understand. When we know the time, no longer young. Some things in the world can make up some things never make up.

  "Filial piety" is a fleeting attachment, "filial piety" is unable to reproduce the well-being. "Filial piety" is without fire events of the past, "filial piety" is life and life-junction chain, once broken, never to connect. "Do something for your parents, filial piety. May be a luxury, perhaps a brick. Perhaps the other side of the ocean a wild goose, perhaps the close proximity of an oral message. Maybe a black doctoral hat, perhaps workbooks on a red-fifth. Perhaps a table delicacy, perhaps a wild fruit flower. May be flourishing and magnificent clothing, flowers, perhaps a pair of clean old shoes. Perhaps tens of thousands of money, maybe just his mouth, the body temperature of a coin … but on the balance of "filial piety", they are equivalent.

  Only the sons and daughters of the world, we must pay close attention to ah! Time to take advantage of your parents are still alive.
  • 小学6年级 - 散文
  • 字数:2232 投稿日期:2012-4-6 20:51:00

  • 推荐3星:[猫小柠]2012-4-7 9:12:08