初中3年级 - 诗歌 阅读指导

The rose garden in May

8 落枫残雪

The rose garden in May, Or then beautiful第一次写英文诗,大家多给点分
  Red, bright red, dark red.
  This is the color of the roses
  The rose garden in May, has beautiful scene at the end of it
  The beautiful girl, quiet boy
  Meet in the beauty of the afternoon
  Happy, happy
  After a few days, never the boy's voice
  Telephone that,
  Only doodle voice.
  A sunshine boy,
  Another boy's brother.
  She knows the boy has long gone
  The rose garden in May,
  Or then beautiful
  • 初中3年级 - 诗歌
  • 字数:313 投稿日期:2012-1-23 12:21:00

  • 推荐3星:[利兆轩]2012-1-23 20:16:23