小学6年级 - 杂文 阅读指导

my motherland

梁平县回龙镇街道区67号。 DGHYD


My big name was China, my children was Chinese
My big name was China, my children was Chinese. I, is their only. They, is my successor. On the one hand I acted as a father, solemnly told my children, to be strong, do I have to stand tall and more Chinese people! On the other hand I have played a mother, I worked with him my sons and daughters, to be intentional, do I China descendants will be sure to have a blood Chinese heart, a heavy feeling notes Chinese heart…
In the river of history, I can't help when u look back, look at the sky, recalled that deep memory strands of clips, in the three thousand years have upheavals, the invaders use YinXiao, meal time empire ruined my whole body travels almost, as a proudly stand tall in fully five thousand years
  • 小学6年级 - 杂文
  • 字数:581 投稿日期:2012-2-1 11:24:00

  • 推荐3星:[1838881879]2012-2-1 15:16:56