小学5年级 - 杂文 阅读指导


5年级 恋爱物语猜

There is a girl, she is lively and lovely, a pair of big eyes water Lingling had a have a glib mouth, which makes the students admire Mu Ji.
The girl in the family, the teacher is under the protection of grow up,grow up,became a sensible girl, can do housework, can manage class … …
Do you know who she is? She is me, my name is Qi Xiny , I am in Zhangzhou,
City Xiang City Experimental Primary school. remember to find me oh.
2 .我有一个学校,它叫做芗城实验小学。坐落于鼎鼎大名的中山公园附近。
I have a school, it is called Xiang City Experimental Primary school. Located in the Zhongshan Park near a great reputation.
My school has four building, is a building, building two, building three, building of science and technology. My classroom is on the three floor, the room is bright and spacious, clean and dry by the students.
My school, it is always new, always is beautiful, I love you, my beautiful school.
3. 我有一个避风港,它叫做家。我非常爱它,因为它装载了我、妈妈、爸爸,还有爱。
I have a safe haven, it is called home. I love it very much, because it is loaded with me, mom, Dad, and love.
I have a lot of small boat harbor, I like the smallest boat, it has a magical secret: once, our family went to the park, I asked my mom and dad to accompany me to play the pirate ship. The results, the boat up, I was scared to scare the shit out of sb. The ship finally stopped, I dare not play.
Oh, how nice home!
I have a hamster, it is called the old man.
The little hamster is a lovely flower back hamster, it was very small, chubby, holding in my hand, like a small soft ball. It is a shining coat taupe, the back has a distinct black lines, abdominal and foot are white, very beautiful.
The small hamster head round the following two sharp, triangular ears on top of her head. His dark eyes are staring at you, have a special spirit! Its small nose and mouth with small nostrils, constantly on the move, a mouth like rabbit three lips, mouth and a few white beard, mouth bulging capsule, so it was like a monkey, hiding their food in its cheek pouches, keep time to eat.
It is my old man.
5.. 我喜欢舞蹈
I like dance
Look, who is sweating in the dance room dance nation dance? Yes, that is me! Look, my hand, head up, stretching the legs kept on inverted, one, two, three … … Suddenly, only heard the " bang", I fell down, but I did not cry, but to stand up and do a handstand. Alas, who told me the leg length, and speed, the Companions to help me! Because I love to dance every day, as long as I have time, I will practice a variety of movements, after three years of library practice, now, my" appeal" but do pretty good yo! Welcome you to come to challenge me!
The dance is a part of my life, it made me become lively and cheerful, I love dancing!
林老师给我上英语课,整堂课,我沉浸在老师娓娓动听的讲解中,她一边讲解一边看着我,眼里充满喜悦之情,有时,她用温柔的手在书桌上奏出一串动听的音符。                                     每当阳光灿烂的日子,每当仰视空中洁白无瑕的云朵时,总会有一个声音在我耳畔响起,非常清晰,那是林老师教我做人的声音。
My teacher called teacher Lin, is my English teacher.
My teacher has a round face, two curved eyebrows have a limpid eyes, high nose below is like cherry small mouth. My teacher is a beautiful and gentle man.
Teacher Lin to my English lesson, the whole class, I was immersed in teacher talk in an impressive way to explain, she explains at the same time watching me, eyes full of joy, sometimes, with her soft hands on the desk played a bunch of beautiful notes.
Whenever a sunny day, when looking up the air pure white clouds, there is a voice in my ears, is very clear, that is teacher Lin taught me life's voice.
  • 小学5年级 - 杂文
  • 字数:3693 投稿日期:2011-10-30 11:39:00