小学3年级 - 说明文 阅读指导

Snow in our

锦秀 吴炫辉

Is so difficult, so we need not be afraid of difficulties, as long as they have overcome all difficulties and the courage, no difficulty can be overcomeXXX!!
  The year before last day, under a snow storm, everyone is called cold, snow and freezing our mind of reading, the past can be amiable Huang teachers into the classroom, he depart from one's normal behavior, a cold said:" please put on the shoes to the playground to, because we are in the playground stand 5 minutes." Most of the students are conscientiously follow the teacher to the playground, only a few Jiao Jiao wailing girl and several transverse boys did not go out of the classroom, the teacher said nothing.
  In the face of station of good students, he took off his coat, and half, snow helped him off with his other half, wasting teacher is wearing a white shirt, shirt wrapped him, seemed to be the more thin. " To the playground, stand!" His pale mutter and mumble. To the playground and the student standing straight, are arranged in three rows, honest station in five minutes, all the students thought their enemy but blizzard, in fact, we can stand for an hour, can withstand.
  The storm tells us, in the face of difficulties, a lot of people with a magnifying glass, put a little difficult as nobody can the enemy of great difficulty. Difficult not difficult, try to know, the test will be felt, but so difficult. Like many of the pain in life, if you don't take it seriously, you will not feel he is in pain, and if you think he is very fond of, is that you be opinionated wound in pain, fear of wound pain …
  Is so difficult, so we need not be afraid of difficulties, as long as they have overcome all difficulties and the courage, no difficulty can be overcome!!!!!
  We must remember that I said, we will surely overcome all the difficulties!!!
  • 小学3年级 - 说明文
  • 字数:1379 投稿日期:2011-8-2 14:15:00

  • 推荐3星:[枰子]2011-8-2 14:26:25