初中2年级 - 记叙文 - 叙事 阅读指导

How to learn English well?


Some students think that they can learn English well if they remember the grammer rules.
         How to learn English well?
 Do you want to improve your English? Some students think that they can learn English well if they remember the grammer rules ,and learn by heart long lists of words. But I don't quite agree .I don't think it is enough only to learn rules from a grammer book or remember as many as we can. We must learn by listening more,speaking English more,reading more and writing more.
 This is my opinion.In this way,we can learn English well.                 
  • 初中2年级 - 记叙文 - 叙事
  • 字数:504 投稿日期:2010-6-25 10:14:00

  • 推荐3星:[蓝静女孩]2010-6-25 17:41:53