小学5年级 - 记叙文 - 叙事 阅读指导

Harry’s Week

步步高英语学校 503013252

How busy the weekend is!
             Harry’s Week
            步步高英语学校 李行
  Harry’s week is very busy. But it’s very colourful.
  From Monday to Friday, He gets up at half past six. he washes his face and brushes his tooth. After ten minutes, He has his breakfast for milk and eggs. He goes to school with his sister on foot, At school he has many interesting subjects. Such as, english. history. maths.P.E and so on.He does well in maths. After class, He plays games and sports with his classmates. His favourite sport is football.He want to be a player in the future.He also want to have a great body. He goes home at five twenty in the afternoon. He eats lunch at ten to six.After lunch,He does his homework and watches TV about three and a half hours. At a quarter to ten he sleeps.
  On the weekend, He has a lot of free time. So he usually goes shopping with his mother.He watches TV at home.Sometimes he goes to the cinema see the great films with his best friends. He visits his grandmother with his parents. He likes visiting his grandmother very much.He visits his grandmother once a week.
  How busy the weekend is! But it is very colourful!
  • 小学5年级 - 记叙文 - 叙事
  • 字数:893 投稿日期:2012-4-25 8:40:00

  • 推荐3星:[猫儿喵呜]2012-4-30 21:28:19