小学4年级 - 应用文 阅读指导


在那遥远的地方 紫色湖泊

I’ve got a ves, whichIlike best.
     I’ve got a  ves, which Ilike best .

     Ilike wearing shorts,in which Igofr sports.

     Iput mywhite socks in a blue box.

     Ifind a pair of shoes but Idon't know whose.

     My father is a businessman ,a real gentleman.

     My mother is a teacher as well as a singer.

     My sister is a shop as-sistant and a spare time student.

  • 小学4年级 - 应用文
  • 字数:246 投稿日期:2007-11-7 18:55:00
  • 推荐发表:[万里晴空]2007-11-7 18:58:15