高中2年级 - 说明文 阅读指导



  Every year thousands of wild animals become extinct,and the number of endangered species is on the increase. We take it for granted that protecting them.The first and importanteset way is treating them by your heart.They need love, they need care and they should share this wonderful world with us. We don't have the disposable power of treating other species. It is because people keep extending their active space that the habitat of animals is less and lessfor survival.In order to make more money, some poachers kill them cruelly.I think the goverment should establish laws to make people abide by or set welfare systems to protect animals.
1.take... for granted 认为...理所应当
2.abide by 遵守
3.welfare system 福利体系
  • 高中2年级 - 说明文
  • 字数:614 投稿日期:2007-10-27 18:53:00
  • 推荐发表:[冰苹果]2007-10-27 18:55:53