小学6年级 - 记叙文 - 叙事 阅读指导


西安西一路小学一年级一班 含芝

  Have you seen these seabirds? They are Emperor Penguins. They look very dressed up! The Emperor Penguins are playing and catching fish in the ocean. But what do they do when the wind gets colder?
  “Brr! Winter must be around the corner. We must hurry back to Antarctica!” “Yes, let’s hurry! It is time to lay our egg.” “Oh, I can’t wait to be a father!”
  So, the two Emperor Penguins swim to the frozen shore of Antarctica.
  The weather is bitterly cold. Father Emperor Penguin finds a shelter under an ice cliff.
  Now, Mother Emperor Penguin lays her egg. “Dear, you did such a good job! Look at our beautiful egg! You worked very hard. Now, head out to sea to eat and rest.”
  “I am OK. I can stay on shore. I can stay with you and our baby.” “No, you go and rest. I will take care of our egg until you come back.”
  It gets colder and colder. So, the father Emperor Penguins huddle together to keep warm. The father Emperor Penguins sit on their eggs for nine long weeks.
  They carefully balance their eggs on their feet. They make sure their eggs do not touch the ice. They cover their eggs with the skin under their stomachs to keep the eggs warm.
  “Brr! Hey, are you guys OK?” “Brr! Yes, I am doing fine. But it is pretty cold, isn’t it?” “Brr! Yep! And we have one more week to go. Let’s move closer together. Then we can keep warmer.”
  “I am getting so hungry! But I cannot leave our family’s egg! It is my job to guard our egg and keep it warm. I hope it survives the harsh winter.”
  Soon, Mother Emperor Penguin returns. “Thank you, dear. Now, I am strong and rested again. You are very brave! But look how thin you are, now. You have not eaten for eight weeks. Let’s take turns. I can take care of our egg now.”
  “It is almost time for our egg to hatch, I only have a few days to go. Let me finish my job!” “No, dear. You must eat and rest, now. Our baby will need a strong father to protect him.”
  “You are right. I will be back, soon.” So, Father Emperor Penguin goes to the ocean.
  Finally, the egg begins to open. A fuzzy, grey Emperor Penguin peeps at Mother Emperor Penguin. “Cheep! Cheep!” “Oh, how wonderful! Look at my fuzzy gray chick!”
  Father Emperor Penguin returns to see his chick. “Look at our beautiful chick. I am so proud of you!” “Are you strong and rested?”
  “Yes, I feel so much better, now. Look what I brought you both from the ocean!” “Squid! My favorite!” “Cheep! Cheep!”
  Soon, the fuzzy chick is able to swim in the ocean. He looks just like his father! The Emperor Penguin family looks so happy together! Isn’t Father Emperor Penguin great?
  • 小学6年级 - 记叙文 - 叙事
  • 字数:2962 投稿日期:2012-7-8 10:21:00

  • 推荐3星:[猫儿喵呜]2012-7-8 10:32:37